A list of The Sacred Heart Home and School Sisters

The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

List of Known Sisters at Sacred Heart Home:

Sister Alfreda (Mother Superior)who was there from 1951 to 1972

Sister Bonita– maybe a music teacher? “Sister Bonita used to take me to the linen closet so often I had calluses on my rear end.” ~Nick L.

Sister Ernelda– Took care of little girls

Sister Edward– took care of little boys

Sister Petra-

Sister Itwara-

Sister Boromeo-

Sister Leonciona-in charge of the kitchen

Sister Cecelia Ann-taught first grade

Sister Georgette-took care of boys dormitory

 Mr. Coudriet-the caretaker

Sister Cordis 1952 -1955

Sister Thomasine 1952-1955


Sister Bonita-May,1907-April 26,2008 ,she lived 101 years!
For 55 years, in a variety of settings, Sister Bonita taught the children of grades four through eight. Sixteen of those years were spent with the children of Sacred Heart Home in Coopersburg, PA. She often served as the school principal
and superior of the local community. Several of her grateful students kept in touch with their former teacher, attending her 75th Jubilee and the celebration of her 100th birthday.
Sister Bonita in habit that I remember.
Being a housemother for as
many as 35 boys in the older boys’
dormitory at Sacred Heart Home
in Coopersburg was a perfect fit.
Since I love sports, we hit it off
well. Not only did I care for the
boys; sometimes there were
even rabbits, cats and dogs and even a snake in the dormitory to keep an eye on. I made sure the snake made a quick exit. Last summer some of the youngsters, now grown men and women, visited me at the Motherhouse and we had a grand time. They filled my heart with pride.

The Sacred Heart Order Originated in Germany in 1899. The sisters came to this country in 1908 as teaching nuns.The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart staffed the orphanage since the beginning in 1938. The home was dedicated Oct.9, 1938, for the care of dependent and neglected children regardless of race, creed or color. It was turned over to the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart to operate by Msgr. Leo G, Fink of sacred Heart Parish in Allentown.It started with 4 nuns and 6 orphaned and half-orphaned children.

2 thoughts on “A list of The Sacred Heart Home and School Sisters

  1. I,was one of a family of six children, living at Sacred Heart for three years. I was known as the littlest altar boy. Sister Bonita, wrote a book called ” The Littlest Altar Boy”. Playing one day, I broke the leg of Larry Brown.

  2. Would love to hear from anyone, who recognizes any or all of the family of six, Donna, Carol, Joe, Ronnie, Sandy, or Jean, all there at one time, 1951 thru 1954.I have memories, and made the best of a bad situation. Please reply!!!

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